
Monthly Archives: April 2013

ruby-crowned kinglet007

A male ruby-crowned kinglet that was passing through our yard. I got some nice images of him that I’ll span out the next week or so to show.

This image  makes me think of this little guy that was trying to hide so hard from me and I still managed to get images of him, and how it impacts us if we try to shelter ourselves from others, hid or whatever, we are still seen. Living behind, maybe not the impressions we thought we should of in others’ minds but found and recognized anyway. In good nor bad impressions, the ones that usually pay attention to us are the ones that love us unconditionally anyway or just have an understanding of us in general. Family, friends, and neighbors, and even our unseen blogging community. Each one of us has treasures to show outside of what we are showing or sharing already even if we don’t  know what they are. The understanding of these Treasures and or events  make the happening perceived. I show you visual images that I hunt for ever so proudly but I don’t share the experience I found in the moment in words to match with you. This is the part of my photography I find the most enjoyable and relaxing. That’s the element that is missing from most of my posts. My wife sees that creative side of me and the ingenuity in some of my hunts. Some of you can read into the images and understand what’s going on or know how I obtained the image without asking because you understand subject mater.  When I go to others posts or blogs, I look for creativity, feelings, does the image or wording moves me emotionally, can I relate to the topic and have a common understanding of it. No exclusive club, no bias and no need to have common ground in subject mater. We all perceive things slightly different as a hole in various topics anyway. Live and learn together through our shear experiences. Just the love in what your trying to share. Just shine as you are and don’t be something you’re not. People will find and appreciate the treasures you share and in the person you are.  The treasure is the gifts we all have. No need to hide or to be scared of the thought that you’re not good enough. Share it freely without being afraid of the doing. You will find those who are interested in you and what you’re sharing with them, so “Fly little birdies, fly”.

A good rule of thumb that I’ve always worked with is to find the good in all situations you encounter and be yourself. There’s no need to hide from that, you keep your integrity that way. Live it, love it, and embrace it. Michael

This pair of Blue Jays that has been hanging around recently I found out that their are our newest residents in the back yard. They are building a nest in one of our large pine trees, low enough that I might get some decent  feeding shots later. This gives us five different types of birds nesting here in our small acre and a half yard. We have the Grackles that have several nests every year that are usually quite high in all three of the big pine trees in the back yard. Two, possibly three Mourning Dove pairs are nesting in the pines as well. To high to get any good feeding shot. The largest tree is probably over 80 feet tall with droopy branches. A pair of Black-capped Chickadees in a bird house by the garden. The Blue Jays of course, and a pair of Robins that have  definitely nested low enough to capture some good images of. The female is already sitting on one egg since Friday, and you can see her below. robin25

A Cardinal that sings in our back yard every morning. I named him "Buddy", he comes fairly close to use when we are in the back yard for a Cardinal. Usually if they see you, they fly away and keep a good distance from people. Buddy likes to hang around and watch what we are doing in the yard rather it be gardening or just sitting in the lawn chairs. He's been here for the last two years at least, nested in our lilac tree last year and appears to be nesting in our neighbors lilac this year. He's got a distinctive white mark on his right side throat in his black hood area. I made a post a few months ago that was called "showing his age" in which you can see the mark clearly. His last year's brood still hangs around, three females and one male, otherwise he's very territorial keeping everyone else out.

flowers021 My wife Maria's  patient waiting for her hyacinth plants to blossom ended this past week with all of the warm weather. We've had several plants blossom in their beautiful pinks, reds, blues and white flowers with that nice fragrance. Maria camps out in her lawn chair next to them enjoying the scent of them. Today's hernia procedure went well for me, no complications and no unseen problems, pretty straight forward, the doctor said . I'm experiencing pain associated with the repair of the 3 hernias, which is typical , dealing with it well.  I'm feeling more like a cyborg from Star Trek with all the extra parts, 2 pieces of surgical felt and a mesh from today's procedure and a donor ACL from a previous surgery. Resistance is futile! Thank you for all your support and prayers. Michael