
Monthly Archives: April 2017

Some night shots that I took the evening of April 20th in Down Town Binghamton after a rain storm. Most of the images are taken on Court Street in Down Town Binghamton (Images 7, 11,12, 13,and 15). Image #6 is taken from the Riverside Bridge north looking up the Chenango River. Images 1 and 2 are taken from the Vestal side of the Susquehanna River off of Conklin Ave on Binghamton's south side in my homes area. Binghamton is a nice little community I think for the most part. A little bit of everything if you know were to look. 671112131512 I have not had too much time recently to make any posted or even to look at my reader to see what you all are all up to these days. I've got myself involved in too many functions and obligations that keeping me very busy these last few weeks. Things are starting to slow down slightly for the moment. I hope to make a few posted hear and there when I can. I plan on keeping up with your activities but probably I will not be able to go back to see pasted works for most of you though. I am also 11 weeks in on my new right titanium knee and doing well. I'm gaining strength and stamina every day that I'm on it and working. The first couple weeks after the surgery were no fun though, but I would gladly do it all over again if I had too. I do not miss any the issues that were bothering me before the surgery at all. I do have to learn how to deal with some new limitation though that I did not have with my original knee even in the conditions that it was in but I may be able to over come them in the future.

5 A Black-capped Chickadee that as in the backyard over this past week. He was fluffing up his feathers and sun bathing for a short time, just hanging around in the tree. They usually do not hang out in one spot to long and they are constantly moving non stop.